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  Europe 2004 » 09 Rome »  Viewing 49 Sistine Chapel 3 [Image 49 of 54]  :: Jump To  
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-- A postcard of one of the most famous portions of the Sistine Chapel ceiling, "The Creation of the Man" --
44 Vatican 9 * Wall fresco called

45 Vatican 10 * Part of a large fresco by Raphael called

46 Vatican 11 * Another part of the same fresco

47 Sistine Chapel 1 * A postcard of the Sistine Chapel ceiling painted by Michelangelo (no pictures were allowed there) * 800 x 555 * (281KB)

48 Sistine Chapel 2 * A postcard of the front wall of the Sistine Chapel * 555 x 800 * (273KB)

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49 Sistine Chapel 3.jpg - 800 x 552 - (246KB)
10/27/04 6:41 PM
50 St Peters Basilica 1 * The Chair of St. Peter by Bernini inside St. Peter's Basilica * 800 x 600 * (219KB)

51 St Peters Basilica 2 * Interesting sculpture inside St. Peter's Basilica * 600 x 800 * (211KB)

52 St Peters Basilica 3 * St. Peter's Basilica looking from the rear to the bronze canopy above the papal altar, which is over four stories tall! * 800 x 600 * (215KB)

53 St Peters Basilica 4 * Another view inside the Basilica * 800 x 600 * (210KB)

54 St Peters Basilica 5 * The famous statue